Compliance and confidentiality


You are welcome to send your compliance-relevant information to our Compliance Officer Antje Aschermann at any time. 
Her contact details are: or phone +49 (3731) 169 414. 

Our parent company Materialise NV has also set up an anonymous whistleblower system. 
You may reach the Materialise NV compliance helpline at or
by email at or 
by phone +1-877-221-5506.

In addition, you may choose to report any accounting breaches or questionable ethical matters through the competent external reporting channel- in accordance with Article 11.1 of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law. In Germany, the following external reporting bodies are currently established:


It is a matter of course that confidentiality has maximum priority at ACTech. When you entrust us with the results of your development work, you can rest assured that your information is in good hands. And that it is securely stored, behind locked doors. As work is always in progress on multiple projects for various customers, site inspections of production operations or even individual stages of production are not possible. It is however possible for us to meet with you by appointment in a separate area to demonstrate the production stages for your prototypes during their production.

ACTech was granted release according to Volkswagen information security stipulations for the handling of information, components, aggregates and prototypes subject to secrecy and confidentiality.

This release confirmed the high information security standards of ACTech. In addition to the rapid, high-quality realization of more than 15,000 prototype castings annually, they are also the basis for successful cooperation with more than 1,300 customers in the past 25 years.

Our Information Security and Data Protection Team ( is happy to discuss with you the handling and coordination of confidential and secret information.

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